The brakes for the geared and gearless traction machines we manufacture in our Crespellano facility (BO)

Ours is the only company in Italy to produce the brakes for our geared and gearless traction machines in-house.
Our brakes are modular systems: the mechanical components (brake disc, pressure plate, thrust springs, etc.) and electrical parts (spool case, micro-contacts, etc.) are combined with each other to obtain the various braking torque values required, electric power consumption being equal.
It is an internationally patented system.
Technical specifications of Alberto Sassi brakes
Here you can explore our full range of brakes for G-100, G-180, G-200, G-300, G-400 gearless traction machines.
The brakes in the DF range can be installed on MODY, LEO, MF48 machines (DQ brakes only on TORO) as standard safety brakes against uncontrolled movements of the elevator car.
Want to consult and download our price list, certifications and drawings in the DXF and 3D STEP formats?
You will find everything in your MYSassi private area
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If you want to submit an order, download the forms here, fill them out and send them to us.